The FDA has approved the sale of food products from cloned animals and their offspring, saying that it will not require labels. However, the American public does not support animal cloning, and the technology is riddled with problems that cause animal suffering. Our government must act to address the public’s concerns and keep these products off of grocery store shelves. Food safety, however, is only one of the many issues that need to be examined before such a decision can be made. Scientists, for example, have repeatedly shown that cloning poses serious risks to animals, as the vast majority of clones suffer from severe birth defects, painful disease, and premature death.
What is Animal Cloning?
Animal Cloning is the process by which an entire organism is reproduced from a single cell taken from the parent organism and in a genetically identical manner. This means the cloned animal is an exact duplicate in every way of its parent; it has the same exact DNA.

Cloning happens quite frequently in nature. Asexual reproduction in certain organisms and the development of twins from a single fertilized egg are both instances of Cloning.

With the advancement of biological technology, it is now possible to artificially recreate the process of Animal Cloning.

Development of Animal Cloning in the Lab
Scientists have been attempting to clone animals for a very long time. Many of the early attempts came to nothing. The first fairly successful results in animal cloning were seen when tadpoles were cloned from frog embryonic cells. This was done by the process of nuclear transfer. The tadpoles so created did not survive to grown into mature frogs, but it was a major breakthrough nevertheless.

After this, using the process of nuclear transfer on embryonic cells, scientists managed to produce clones of mammals. Again the cloned animals did not live very long. The first successful instance of animal cloning was that of Dolly the Sheep, who not only lived but went on to reproduce herself and naturally. Dolly was created by Ian Wilmut and his team at the Roslyn Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1997. Unlike previous instances, she was not created out of a developing embryonic cell, but from a developed mammary gland cell taken from a full-grown sheep.

Since then Scientists have been successful in producing a variety of other animals like rats, cats, horses, bullocks, pigs, deer, etc. You can even clone human beings now and that has given rise to a whole new ethical debate. Is it okay to duplicate nature to this extent? Is it okay to produce human clones? What would that do to the fabric of our society?  What Do You Think ?

These Are Just A Few Facts About It; Go Online And Find More About It And Tell Us What You Think In A Discussion Below !

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